Growing Seeds of Hope
Growing Seeds of Hope

Part 2: Personal Reflections of Hope

Sharing personal stories and experiences can be an invaluable support and can give insight to all who care for people with dementia.  Similarly, reflections from people with dementia and those who are making a difference in their lives can inspire us to keep our hopes and dreams alive.

My Hope

In this touching video, people share their hopes for the future. The video features care partners, people living with dementia and Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories staff.

Take a few minutes to watch the video and listen to the words and messages.  And think about what hope for the future means for you.

For reflection...

After you watch the video, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What stood out for you as an important message about hope?
  • What message had the most meaning for you?  Feel free to watch the video again and listen for the words that touch you the most...
  • How would you complete the statement - "My hope is..."