Protect Your Head
Protect Your Head

Part 5: My Personal Action Plan

Completing a personal action plan can greatly enhance your motivation and keep you focused on what you can confidently achieve.  It's important that you succeed!

Take some time to think about what you will do to protect your head and continue to maintain or improve your brain health.

Download and print a copy of the activity sheet My Personal Action Plan below.  Reflect on and answer the statements in both columns.  Then circle the number between 0 and 10 that represents your confidence level.

You may have printed this activity sheet after completing another session.  Feel free to use the one sheet to track all of your actions in one place as you move through this program.

If you rate your confidence below a 7, you might want to look at the barriers and consider reworking your action plan so that it's something you are confident that you can accomplish.  

Personal Action Plan

Congratulations!  You've successfully completed Session 4.

In this session you learned about the importance of being proactive in protecting your head at every age.  You explored some tips and strategies for preventing falls and learned about choosing and fitting a bicycle helmet.