Preparing for Changes Ahead

Part 1: Late Stage Dementia

Dementia typically follows certain stages that will change the person's and family's lives. Because the disease affects each individual differently, the symptoms, the order in which they appear, and the duration of each stage vary from person to person. In most cases, the disease progresses slowly, and the symptoms of each stage may overlap, often making the move from one stage to another quite subtle. The duration of the disease is usually seven to ten years but may be much longer in some people.

The stages of Dementia are commonly referred to as Early, Middle and Late. End-of-life is described as the period when a person nears death, and the primary focus is on providing comfort measures.

The late stage of Dementia may also be called "severe" or "advanced.” People in the late stage have reduced cognitive ability. Eventually, they become unable to communicate verbally or look after themselves. They also become more frail physically and need 24-hour care. The goal of care at this stage is to continue to support the person to ensure the highest quality of life possible.

Click and download the infographic below to learn more about the late stage of Dementia.

Dementia Progression Roadmap - Late Stage

Take the quiz below to learn some helpful tips for addressing care issues in the late stage of Dementia.


More Learning Resources

Progression Series: Overview

Progression Series: Late Stage

A Handbook for Care
