Arrangements after Death
Arrangements after Death

Part 2: Getting the Paperwork in Order

If plans have not already been made, you will need to arrange financial and legal matters. Decide who will be responsible for these. If you know the person’s wishes, follow them. Suppose there are no definite instructions for financial and legal issues. In that case, the family must make decisions considering the person’s values, desires, and what they believe he would have wanted.

Your local Alzheimer Society can advise you on what matters will need to be addressed and the variety of professionals who can help with them.


Lawyer Doris Bonora will explain what needs to be done legally and financially after death. You will learn what paperwork needs to be completed immediately, the duties of the Executor, what probate is, and how to wrap up the estate.

For Reflection.....

After you view the video, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions.  Feel free to make some notes.

  • What stood out for you as important messages?
  • What will you start or continue to do in your role as a care partner?  What will you stop or do differently?

More Learning Resources

Saying Farewell: A Guide to Assist You with the Death and Dying Process

Deceased Persons’ Estates – Government of Alberta

Being a Personal Representative