An Enduring Power of Attorney is called "enduring" because it continues to protect and manage a person's affairs even after they lose capacity and carries on while they are incapacitated. This ensures that their wishes and needs are respected and taken care of, providing peace of mind during difficult times.
Here, we have a conversation with the lawyer, Doris Bonora. It is one of four videos in this session that explain what legal and financial documents need to be prepared and what needs to be done to ensure the concerns and wishes of the person living with dementia are met.
In this video, Doris explains the importance of an Enduring Power of Attorney.
Feel free to make some notes as you listen.
An Enduring Power of Attorney deals with financial matters. The primary purpose of a Personal Directive is to name someone to make personal decisions for you, such as where you will live and the medical treatment you will receive.
Learn more about Personal Directives under part 4 of this session.
Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta (CLPEA): planning for future care
Government of Alberta – Office of Public Guardian: Enduring power of attorney
Decision making and respecting independence
All About Me: booklet designed for people living with dementia to help them create a record of their background and what is important to them