Working with Care Providers

Part 3: Adjusting to the Move

It will take time for both of you to adjust to your new situation. Keep in mind that there is no correct number of times to visit the person during this period. For some people, the experience of being a care partner has been such that they need a "rest" during the first few weeks after moving. Others will want to go as often as possible during these first few weeks.

Whatever you decide during this period is the right decision for you. Go as often as you want and stay for as long as you feel comfortable. The important thing is to make each visit—no matter the length or the frequency—as full and rewarding as possible for both of you.

The person with dementia will also need time to adjust to the new environment. Try to be patient as they settle in. For some, this may take weeks or months; for others, it may be less. Communicate closely with the staff during this adjustment period.

Here, we have a conversation between care home director Marlene Collins and host Liana Shannon. Marlene shares her experiences working with families, staff and residents. Watch the video and learn about what to expect in the adjustment period and how care partners and staff can work together

What You Might Be Feeling…

As a care partner, you will experience a broad range of emotions once the person you have cared for has moved to a long-term care home. You may feel guilty. You may feel relieved that the responsibility of providing care is no longer solely on your shoulders. You may even experience second thoughts about your decision. These are all normal reactions.

More Learning Resources

My Tools 4 Care – In Care

Progression Series: Overview

Progression Series: Late Stage

Long-Term Care: Adjusting After the Move

All About Me Booklet