There are many ways by which you can learn more about dementia;
Want to watch the explainer video from start to finish? Here's your opportunity to do just that!
As a key part of this program we will be using a series of videos (also available from beginning to end in the fourth session of this online program).
In this session, we will be watching four short videos that introduce us to the brain function of a person with dementia. Each of the explainer videos is accompanied by voice narration as well as a full transcript.
Please feel free to pause the videos whenever you need to consider the points shared or to note questions for further discussion.
As a key part of this program we will be using a series of videos (also available from beginning to end in the fourth session of this online program).
The first video introduces us to the brain function of a person without dementia. Each of the videos is accompanied by voice narration as well as a full transcript.
Please feel free to pause the video whenever you need to consider the points shared or to note questions for further discussion.
When receiving any diagnosis the language used can itself be a barrier to our understanding of the information shared.
For some conditions or diseases, such as dementia, there are many different types that each have their own name.
In this session we explore this further.
Participate in an Ambassador orientation to learn about:
Participate in online meetings bi-monthly (Jan/Mar/May/Jul/Sep/Nov).
Spend Time:
We would like to invite you to our Community of Practice meetings, which are usually scheduled on the first Wednesday of every second month throughout the year (specifically, January, March, May, July, September, and November). These meetings typically run from 1:00 to 2:30 in the afternoon. However, please note that the duration may vary depending on the content we need to cover - sometimes we may not require the entire 1.5 hours.
Also, please be aware that for the month of July, we will take a vote during our May meeting to decide whether we should have a break for the summer or continue with our regular meetings.
Social Media w/ Carrie Candy
Introduction to IG Wealth Management - Walk in a Box
Alzheimer's Awareness Month
The Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories (AS AB/NT) is working to change the face of dementia in Alberta and the Northwest Territories and improve the quality of life for individuals living with dementia. Through seven regional centres and a provincial office, the Society offers a provincial network of educational and support services for those with dementia and their care partners, builds partnerships with health professionals and the community and advances research into effective treatments and finding a cure for this devastating disease.
Volunteers are at the heart of how AS AB/NT works toward its mission in local communities.
The purpose of Community Dementia Ambassador is to help AS AB/NT reach as many community members as possible to share information about dementia and the resources available to support people living with dementia.
Care partners come in many forms; seniors, adult children, friends, family, and even paid support, and we want them to have good information about the signs of dementia and how to access resources and support as early as possible.
Community Dementia Ambassadors help the Society to have a presence in as many communities as possible and let people know we can help people living with dementia no matter where they live in the province or territories.
Welcome! Today marks the start of your online journey towards becoming a Community Dementia Ambassador.
Statement of Relationship and Land Acknowledgment
We will begin by acknowledging the Indigenous Peoples of all the lands that we are on today. While we meet today on a virtual platform, we would like to take a moment to acknowledge the importance of the lands, which we each call home. We do this to reaffirm our commitment and responsibility in improving relationships between nations and to improving our own understanding of local Indigenous peoples and their cultures.
From coast to coast to coast, we acknowledge the ancestral and unceded territory of all the Inuit, Metis, and First Nations people that call this land home and endeavor to move forward in a spirit of reconciliation and collaboration.
Please feel free to take a moment to recognize and acknowledge the land upon which you are currently located.
Learning Objectives
In this session you’ll explore what it means to become a Community Dementia Ambassador. You’ll learn about why the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories has created this volunteer role and what characteristics are essential in being an effective Community Dementia Ambassador.
You’ll also be introduced to the concept of a Dementia-Friendly Community.
When you have completed this session, you will be able to:
Session 1 includes the following parts:
Part 1: Why Community Dementia Ambassadors?
Part 2: Role of the Community Dementia Ambassador
Part 3: Characteristics of a Community Dementia Ambassador
Part 4: What is a Dementia-Friendly Community?
Work through the various parts of the session at your leisure. Move from one part to another at your own pace and in the order that makes sense to you, based on your own needs and interests.
At any time, you may scroll to the Search bar at the top of the page and type a specific question or topic, or reach out to your Community Dementia Ambassador Coordinator who would be happy to assist you. The Coordinator can be reached at