Welcome to Seeds of Hope Family Learning series
Seeds of Hope Family Learning Series is an educational program presented by the Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories.
The goal of the program is to help you get a better understanding of what dementia is, how to better cope through the dementia progression and how to plan for the future. The program is designed to benefit both care partners of people living with dementia as well as people living with dementia in their early stage.
Learning to live with dementia, as a person living with or as a care partner, is uncharted territory for most. We asked people living with dementia, care partners and Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories, what their hope for the future looked like. See what their responses were:
Living well with dementia
is possible.
Navigating Seeds of Hope
Each session features discussions with professionals, reflective and interactive activities, and other learning opportunities.
We recognize there are many learning styles. Throughout each session, you will find “More Learning Resources”. These suggestions offer a chance to deepen your learning on the topic.
You are welcome to start with the Early stage and move through the program in order. You may benefit also from letting your question guide your navigation and pop in and out of different stages and sessions.

More help available
If you live in Alberta or the Northwest Territories, contact us at: 1-866-950-5465.