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Middle Stage: Living with Change Session 5
Session 5: Managing Stress - Develop coping strategies to deal with the stress that results from your role as a care partner.
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I'm Still Here Public Forum
Hear people living with dementia share their stories and provide tips. This will help us better understand and support those living with dementia. Care partners will speak about how they […]
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Living and Transforming with Loss and Grief
An inspirational guide for people living with dementia and care partners.
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Being prepared for the hospital - emergency to inpatient
Visits to the emergency room and admission to the hospital can happen unexpectedly to anyone. For a person living with dementia, going to the hospital can be a very difficult […]
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All About Me
An Alzheimer Society booklet to help people with dementia and their care partners to create a personal record of their background and what is important to them.
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Seeds of Hope: Family Learning Series
People describe a range of emotions related to being a care partner of someone with dementia, including guilt, confusion, resentment, helplessness, grief and sadness. They express a need to develop […]
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First Link Alberta
Connecting to the right supports early in the dementia journey, can make a big difference in the quality of life for both the person with dementia and the care partner. […]
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The Serious Effects of Loneliness on Seniors: Mental & Physical Consequences
Dr. Richard Lewanczuk discusses the serious impact of social isolation and loneliness on seniors, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. While people often associate loneliness with boredom and lack of joy, […]
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Ambiguous Loss & Grief - Individuals and Families
This resource is meant primarily to help you, as a care partner, gain a better understanding of how loss and grief can affect you and the person with dementia. It […]
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Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan
Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan programs and services help people with dementia, their care partners, families, and friends by providing information, support, education and referral to other community services. Our public […]
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