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Risk Factors
An introductory guide to Alzheimer's Disease, the diagnosis and risk factors associated.
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Preventing Dementia in Indigenous People's by Aging Well: Advice from older Indigenous peoples
Older Indigenous adults, people diagnosed with dementia, care partners, knowledge keepers and health care providers shared their experience for healthy brain aging. This fact sheet combines a summary of their […]
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Related dementia: Frontotemporal Dementia/Pick's Disease
Unlike Alzheimer's disease, which generally affects most areas of the brain, frontotemporal dementia is an umbrella term for a group of disorders that primarily affect the frontal and temporal lobes […]
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A Comprehensive Look at the Relationship Between Alcohol and Prescription Medication Misuse and Dementia
Join Us for This Online Event Alcohol and prescription medication misuse increases the risk of dementia. Prioritize brain health by making informed choices! Join us in recognizing World Alzheimer's Day […]
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Roger Marple Live Meeting
Please join us as Roger shares his story of his journey with Alzheimer's disease. We will then open up the live meeting for a Q & A portion with Roger.
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Canadian Brain Health Food Guide from Baycrest Health Sciences
Baycrest scientists have led the development of the first Canadian Brain Health Food Guide to help adults over 50 preserve their thinking and memory skills as they age. "There is […]
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The Serious Effects of Loneliness on Seniors: Mental & Physical Consequences
Dr. Richard Lewanczuk discusses the serious impact of social isolation and loneliness on seniors, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. While people often associate loneliness with boredom and lack of joy, […]
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Exercise and Brain Health: It's never too late!
In this webinar, we will discuss evidence on risk factors for Alzheimer's Disease and other dementia (ADRD) and lifestyle modification that have been shown to impact healthy brain ageing. A […]
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How do you evaluate information about dementia research that you find on the web? Presented by Dr. David Hogan
Every month, there appears to be an announcement about a new way to prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease. How can you evaluate this information? What questions should be asking? In […]
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Making a Referral to First Link®
Working together to link individuals and families affected by Alzheimer's disease and other dementias to a community of learning, services and support.
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