First Link Connection
Welcome to the First Link Connection online program.
You may review each of the sessions in the program in sequence or alternatively review the session of most benefit to you by clicking on it directly - the choice is yours! As you work your way through the materials jot down questions that arise or items you'd like to explore further.
And when you have completed your review of the materials in this online program, consider joining one of our virtual or in person First Link Connection presentations. This is an opportunity to meet with other members of the dementia community and explore the topics raised in this program through a facilitated discussion, led by a member of our Client Services team.
Further details of these sessions, including dates and locations, are available from our Client Services team.
- Donec ut auctor lectus, ut maximus turpis.
- Donec ut auctor lectus, ut maximus turpis.
- Donec ut auctor lectus, ut maximus turpis.