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Other people with a family member/friend with dementia in care have asked questions about the changes they may experience and the support available to them. In this section, the most common questions are listed, and answers are provided.
Q: Is there a list of contact names and numbers of people who can help me?
A: See our List of Resources for helpful books, websites and telephone numbers.
Q: What do I do if my family member’s doctor won’t talk to me?
A: Talk with the staff at the care home to see if they can help you connect with your family member’s doctor or give you additional information.
Q: Is counselling available?
A: Contact your family physician or the mental health organization in your community to explore counselling services.
Q: I feel isolated. Are there support groups available?
A: Contact your local Alzheimer Society to learn about support and support group options.
Q: What do I do if I have trouble communicating with care home staff about my family member’s needs?
A: Visit Advocating for Care and Communicating with Staff in Seeds of Hope for tips on communicating with staff.
Q: Why does my family member have changes in appetite and activity level?
A: Often people with dementia have a change in appetite for many different reasons. Talk to the facility staff, Alzheimer Society or your family doctor to get more information specific to changes in appetite or activity levels in your family member.
Q: How do I know if I am visiting my family member in the care home too much or too little?
A: It is up to you to decide how much you visit your family member. The amount of time varies from person to person. It will also change depending on the condition of your family member and your personal needs. It is important to remember that you also need to care for yourself as a caregiver. Finding balance in your life with your family member in LTC and your life outside of LTC is important. It will help you deal with the changes you yourself experience. Please see the article “Building a New Life”
Q: Who do I contact if I need support for myself?
A: There may be many sources of personal and professional support available in your circle of family and friends and in your local community. We recommend that you also consider contacting the Alzheimer Society, or Health Link in your region, or caregiver network to discuss your needs and concerns.
Q: Will my relationship with my family member change now that they are in care?
A: Changes may occur in your relationship with your family member. See this toolkit's "What are possible changes in roles and relationships?" section for more information.
Q: I feel overwhelmed about downsizing now that my family member is in care. How do I start this process?
A: See the Tips for Downsizing Your Home.
Q: Now that my family member is in care, I feel very lonely. What can I do about this?
A: Loneliness is a very normal feeling that many carers have. See the Older Adults and Loneliness fact sheet in the Resources section of this toolkit for tips on how to deal with the loneliness you are experiencing.
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To continue your learning experience, move ahead to Session 4 where we’ll explore some resources that are available to you.