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Frequently Asked Questions


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Other people providing care to a family member with dementia have asked questions about the changes they experienced. In this section the most common questions are listed with answers provided. We hope these are helpful to you.

You may have other questions that are not listed here. The resources listed in the next section may help you find answers to those questions. Or you can take a look at the first questions section listed here.

Q: If a service I require is not available, how do I access this service?

A: Call your local doctor or the Alzheimer Society. You can find your local Alzheimer Society by checking out our contact page.

Q: How do I find information about disease and the symptoms I should expect?

A: Contact your local doctor or Alzheimer Society about getting information and ask first for their suggestions to how you can get information. Alternatively, try typing your search into the search bar above.

Q: Are there books or websites available that would be of help to me? 

A: See the resources section of this toolkit for a list of useful items.

Q: If I need to talk to a doctor or any other health care professional, what should I do? 

A: If speaking to your doctor is difficult, try using this tip sheet to prepare for your visit before hand.

Q: What do we do if the doctor doesn't see the changes? 

A: Keep track of what you see and use the behavioral tracking form under the Important Health Information section. Then share the written information with your doctor.

Q: What do I do if the doctor won't talk to me? 

A: Have the person you are caring for write a note, or tell the doctor that they agree that you are to have all the information about them and that they want the doctor to talk with you.

Q: How do I find information on medications?

A: You should consult locally with the pharmacist first. Pharmacies give information packages on the medication, they will also usually book appointments to discuss medications and side effects.

Q: Is counselling available?

A: Contact your local Alzheimer Society for information.  Alternately, you may be able to pay for it privately if it is available in your community.

Q: I feel isolated.  Are there support groups available?

A: Yes, click on the Help for Dementia tab for more information in your specific area.

Q: Is there someone to help care for my family member at home, or do I have to do it all alone? 

A: Your home care contact can help you with this question. Usually there is someone on the healthcare team available to help, but asking friends and family is a good idea too.

Q: If I do not know how to do something for my family member, is there anyone available to teach me and show me? 

A: Your nurse or doctor is available to teach and show you how to care for your family member while still at home.

Q: What do I do if I have difficulty responding to my family members' actions?

A: If you feel unsafe, call 911. Otherwise call your local Alzheimer Society or 811, the dementia help line for more assistance.

Q: Why does my family member have changes in appetite and activity level? 

A: Often people with dementia have a change in appetite for many different reasons. Contact your family doctor to get more information specific to changes in appetite or activity levels in your family member.

Q: Is there someone to help me communicate with my family member through this process? 

A: Communication can be difficult at times. The most important thing is to keep trying. Contact the Alzheimer Society or care home staff for more help.

Q: Who do I contact if I need support for myself as I care for my family member? 

A: There may be many sources of personal and professional support available in your circle of family and friends and in your local community. We recommend that you also consider contacting the Alzheimer Society, Health Link 811, or caregiver network to discuss your needs and concerns.


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To continue your learning experience, move ahead to Session 4 where we'll explore some resources that are available to you.