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A Tale of Two Solitudes Experienced by Alberta Family Caregivers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic created two solitudes for family care partners. Solitude emphasizes the quality of being detached or separated from others. Family care partners of Albertans living in private homes were overwhelmed with caregiving needs and those caring for Albertans living in congregate settings were restricted from caregiving. • 73% of family care partners caring for Albertans living with them in the same home and 56% living separately were providing significantly more care after the COVID-19 pandemic began. • After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, 87% of those caring for those long-term care [LTC] and 70% of those caring in supportive living said they were providing less care.

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Tech Use by Older Canadians for Health, Wellness and Independence in the Time of COVID-19

From Facebook to food delivery apps and fitness trackers, older Canadians have upped their use of many technologies and online services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Mediterranean Style of Eating

The Mediterranean Style of Eating is a style of eating that includes foods often eaten in the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. Some of these countries are Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Isreal, Egypt, and Morocco. This style of eating includes lots of vegetables, fruits, beans, peas, lentils, fish, nuts and olive oil - all food that we can get in Alberta.

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Les adultes plus âgés et la solitude

Les études actuelles sur la solitude donnent à penser que celle-ci a des effets dommageables sur la santé mentale et physique semblables au tabagisme ou à l'alcoolisme. La solitude est un problème touchant tous les groupes d'âge, mais il serait plus aigu chez les adultes plus âgés à cause des fréquentes expériences de perte (le conjoint, des membres de la famille et des pairs), et l'éloignement de leurs réseaux sociaux établis pour se rapprocher des enfants ou d'emménager dans un établissement de soins de longue durée. Heureusement, il existe divers moyens de prévenir ou de réduire la solitude. Parmi la documentation portant sur la solitude, citons le contenu ci-après.

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Préparer l'avenir

PRÉPARER L'AVENIR : Apprendre au sujet des troubles neurocognitifs et des soins à l'approche de la fin de vie. Il est difficile parfois de poser des questions à des prestataires de soins de santé. Beaucoup d'entre nous ignorent simplement quelles sont les questions à poser afin de nous aider à mieux comprendre comment préparer l'avenir. Le présent répertoire de questions a été conçu pour lancer les conversations avec vous, votre famille et le personnel de soins de santé de l'établissement. Il est possible que les réponses aux questions ne soient pas simples ou directes, les troubles neurocognitifs affectant chaque personne de différentes façons. En posant ces questions importantes, nous espérons que vous pourrez obtenir l'information nécessaire sur l'évolution de la situation aux derniers stades de la vie, afin de vous aider à préparer l'avenir. Lançons la conversation sur… Cochez les sujets que vous aimeriez aborder avec votre prestataire de soins de santé.

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Tips on How to Interact with a Person with Dementia

The following tips are based on a review of the literature about best ways to interact with a person with dementia. The information presented in this factsheet comes from studies in which these strategies were found to be successful. Due to the changes in mood experienced by persons with dementia, suggestions here may work one day and may not work another, therefore it is important keep trying them and track which ones you use.

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Conseils utiles sur la manière d'interagir avec la personne aux prises avec des troubles neurocognitifs

Conseils utiles sur la manière d'interagir avec la personne aux prises avec des troubles neurocognitifs L'information contenue dans le présent feuillet d'info est tirée d'études d'ont été extraites des stratégies réussies. À cause des sautes d'humeur que présentent les personnes aux prises avec des troubles neurocognitifs, il se peut que les suggestions proposées ici fonctionnent bien un jour donné, tout en échouant le lendemain; il importe donc de continuer à les essayer et à les retenir à bon escient ou non.

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La démence est un terme clinique qui se rapporte à un ensemble de symptômes causés par des troubles du cerveau. Ces symptômes peuvent comprendre la perte de mémoire et les difficultés d'idéation, de résolution de problèmes ou de langage qui, lorsque sévères, réduisent la capacité de la personne à s'acquitter des activités de la vie quotidienne. Une personne atteinte peut également éprouver des changements d'humeur ou de comportement. De nombreuses maladies peuvent causer de tels troubles. On utilise parfois le terme général de maladies neurodégénératives, les « neurones » étant les cellules du cerveau et « dégénératives » impliquant une perte progressive de fonctionnalité. Ces maladies regroupent la maladie d'Alzheimer et les maladies neurodégénératives telles que la maladie cérébrovasculaire, la maladie à corps de Lewy, les dégénérescences fronto-temporales, et la maladie Creutzfeldt-Jakob. Ces maladies peuvent présenter des symptômes semblables, qui se recoupent. En élaborant ces lignes directrices sur le langage, la Société Alzheimer a cherché à créer un outil pour quiconque vit avec, soutient ou travaille avec une personne atteinte d'une maladie neurodégénérative. La Société Alzheimer espère que ces directives permettront de favoriser l'emploi systématique d'un langage respectueux.

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Conseils pour réduire la superficie de votre habitation

S'agissant de passer au crible et de trier les biens familiaux accumulés au fil des ans peut se révéler une tâche écrasante. À ce stade, il importe de demander l'aide d'amis et de membres de la famille en se rappelant que l'on n'est pas seul.

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Living and Transforming with Loss and Grief

An inspirational guide for people living with dementia and care partners.

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Changes Toolkit

This book is about life changes. It is meant to help you prepare for possible changes, and to connect you with services in your community. It has suggestions and information about resources to help you. It is based on what people receiving palliative care, their families, and health care providers have told us.

Aging With Pride

A guide to creating inclusive services for LGBTQ2S+ for older adults.

Embracing Diversity

This toolkit is an interactive resource with print and online components. It will help you to learn about equity, diversity and inclusion and how to apply these concepts to your work in LTC.

Dementia in the Workplace

A guide for employers. Building a resilient and sustainable workforce. Purpose of this guide: Build awareness and understanding of caregiving in the workplace. Guide workplaces on how to develop policies and practices that are supportive to care partners and benefit the workplace. Support managers in workplaces to understand, support, accommodate and demonstrate a commitment to working care partners. Empower working care partners and enhance access to supports that address their unique challenges.

Work and Caregiving: A Balancing Act

This toolkit was designed to help you manage the competing needs of work and caregiving while taking care of your own health and happiness at the same time. Caregiving needs change over time - you may need to re-assess and problem-solve a few times to better manage work, caregiving and your own needs. You can revisit the sections of this toolkit as your needs continue to evolve. This toolkit provides practical tools and tips to help you find solutions that could work for you and your employer. You will learn about ideas to help you manage caregiving, options to explore greater flexibility and support at work, and tips for talking with your employer about solutions. Using this toolkit will help you understand the importance of taking care of yourself and your own mental health, in order to find a better balance in juggling the demands of being a working care partner.

Sporting Heritage Memories Handbook

How to use sporting heritage in memories and reminiscence activities. This handbook has been created to give you further insight into the application of sporting heritage programmes and provide a reference for your use in the future. It will help address issues such as training and the conduct of groups, as well as provide helpful hints as to how resources can be found and used.

Young Onset Planning Ahead Checklist

Being diagnosed under the age of 65 presents unique challenges and there are many topics to consider, including, finances, children, employment, and health wishes. Living with dementia can cause big changes in individuals and families future plans as many need to consider how life needs and wishes may change as a person's dementia progresses. Since there is no cure or treatment and dementia is a progressive disease that can affect reasoning and communication it is important to plan for your future and ensure that others know how they can assist you with putting those plan into action, when needed.

Care Planning Checklist for Young Onset Care Partners

Being diagnosed under the age of 65 presents unique challenges and there are many topics to consider, including, finances, children, employment, and health wishes. Living with dementia can cause big changes in individuals and families future plans as many need to consider how life needs and wishes may change as a person's dementia progresses. Your caregiving role is dependent on the needs of the person with dementia and your unique situation.

Young Onset Dementia Resources for Edmonton and Area Families

Young Onset Dementia is the term used to describe people under the age of 65 years who have been diagnosed with a type of dementia. People under the age of 65 years are often still working, many are raising dependent children, and some are also caring for an elderly relative. People with Young Onset Dementia have numerous decisions to make and a range of service options to consider as their dementia progresses. They frequently report not knowing what services are available or how to access those services. This resource guide is one of several documents to give information and support to Young Onset families as they journey through the process of gaining supports and services that they need as they live with dementia.

Tough Conversations for Young Onset Care Partners

Care Partners, these next scenarios are not here to scare you, but we want to make you aware of things that may happen. It is important to know that these things do not happen to everyone, but knowing it can, will better prepare you in the case these situations arise. Within each of the situations below, there can be many individual experiences, they can range mild to extreme. Remind yourself that your family member has dementia, and this is the cause of these situations.

Apprendre à se retrouver

Outil d'écriture pour soutenir les aidants à se retrouver eux-mêmes, après s'être occupés d'un conjoint vivant avec un trouble neurocognitif. Apprendre à se retrouver peut se révéler nécessaire au processus de deuil; il permet à une personne de passer à une autre étape tout en honorant son passé.

World Alzheimer Report 2021

Journey through the diagnosis of dementia.

After the Move: Communicating and working with the staff

The caregiving role does not end with the move; however, it evolves and is different in some respects. It can be daunting and difficult at first - what do I do now? Where do I fit in? You are now a "partner in care" with the staff. Your role is to inform, advise, recommend and encourage best quality care for your family member/relative/ friend.

Canadian Guideline for Safe Wandering

Person Living with Dementia Version

Canadian Guideline for Safe Wandering - Care Home

For people living in a care home setting.


Outline of what the requirements are for an Ambassador

CP Planning - Resource Links - Early


CP Planning - Resource Links - Middle


CP Planning - Resource Links - Late


CP Planning - Resource Links - EOL