Taking care of your general health and paying attention to your "health numbers" are practical actions you can take to improve your brain health.
By making healthy lifestyle choices, you may be able to reduce your risk and improve your brain's ability to sustain long-term health.
Will healthy lifestyle choices prevent Alzheimer's disease? There are no guarantees, but evidence suggests that healthy lifestyles help the brain maintain connections and even build new ones. That means that a healthy brain can withstand illness better. So take action today.
Sessions 5 to 8 of this program touch on the following four important lifestyle choices:
Be physically active
Make healthy food choices
Know your heath numbers
Reduce stress
Watch this video and listen to host Liana Shannon, as she provides a brief overview of these four topics. When you complete this session, take some time to work through session 8 -- and if you haven't already done so, return to sessions 5 and 6.
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Mail-in Donations Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories #306, 10430 61 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T6H 2J3
Donate by telephone Call toll-free 1-866-950-5465 8:30am – 4:30pm MT Monday to Friday.