There may be times when you are unable to fulfill your responsibilities. Having backup support can help you and your care partner should the need arise.
Choose one person or more than one person who will take over your responsibilities if you cannot fulfill them. The identified individual(s) is your backup' to help the person you are caring for.
List the names of the individual(s) you can count on, and make a note of why you have selected them.
List the roles/responsibilities you will delegate to each of these individuals.
Contact the individual(s) listed and discuss your plan with them.
Donations Support Have questions or comments? We love hearing from our supporters. Chat with our philanthropy team today by calling 1-866-950-5465or emailing
Mail-in Donations Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories #306, 10430 61 Avenue NW, Edmonton AB T6H 2J3
Donate by telephone Call toll-free 1-866-950-5465 8:30am – 4:30pm MT Monday to Friday.