End-of-Life Care
End-of-Life Care

Part 4: A Non-Verbal Communication Profile

Communication is BOTH verbal and non-verbal.  Both means of communication are important, however, non-verbal communication becomes an even more valuable tool when connecting with a person with dementia at the end of life.

Watching the body language of the person with dementia may help us to understand their needs better.  Your knowledge of the meaning behind the person’s non-verbal cues can be important information for everyone involved in caring for the person at the end of life. Download and print a few copies of the activity sheet below.  Take a few minutes to review and complete the questions.  Plan to share a copy of the profile with each person involved in the care of the person with dementia.

Five Tips for Improving Communication

More Learning Resources

A Caregiver’s Guide: A Handbook About End-of-Life Care

Day to Day Series: Communication

Alzheimer Society of Canada: What Do I Need to Know About Caring for the Person?