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Part 1: Living in the Moment

No matter how the disease affects the person, it is important to treat her with dignity and respect. Although certain abilities will be lost, her emotions and feelings will remain, as will the need for companionship and belonging.

Take some time to think about and plan for activities and interactions that bring a sense of joy and celebration. Focus on the abilities that remain. This will go a long way in adding quality of life and will help you to maintain a meaningful life together.

Download and print a copy of the activity sheet below.  Reflect on and answer the questions:

  1. List two things that you and the person you are caring for can do together to rekindle memories.  When do you plan to do them?
  1. List two things that give you and the person you are caring for meaning in your lives together?  When and how are you going to continue these things?


Living in the Moment

Download File,

Additional Reading

Quality of Life

First Steps for Families


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